Are you ready to create something new in your life?

Welcome! I’m Lizzie Paish, and I help people get unstuck and find new ways of dealing with seemingly intractable problems.

Are you ready to create something new in your life?

Welcome! I’m Lizzie Paish, and I help people get unstuck and find new ways of dealing with seemingly intractable problems.

Change and growth are natural parts of being human, and can be deeply enriching and inspiring...

Too often, we find ourselves in situations in which we feel limited, trapped or helpless. If there are things getting you down or keeping you awake at night it sounds as if you’re ready for growth and change. Wouldn’t you like to feel more light-hearted, joyful and inspired, with a greater sense of freedom?

I believe it is possible for everyone to thrive...

No matter who you are, what you do for a living, what you have been through, or are going through right now. To thrive, you don’t have to throw everything out and start again. Change comes from within you. You already have everything you need to create your life differently.

Perhaps that sounds too good to be true, especially if you’re dealing with a thorny problem or situation. With the pace of our modern lives, and the demands made on so many of us at work and at home, I know that stress, overwhelm and exhaustion are common experiences. 

When we’re dealing with challenging circumstances and difficult people, just surviving might seem to be the only goal. When problems look fixed and unsolvable, relationships seem to take a long time to heal and our happiness looks as if it’s dependent on a change in the world around us, why wouldn’t we assume that thriving is simply out of reach?

But what if those common beliefs are in fact not accurate...

What if there is a way to experience peace, wellbeing and resilience no matter what?

On so many occasions I have seen for myself how clarity and confidence can naturally re-emerge in times of struggle, changing everything. Time and time again I have witnessed my clients shift into a completely different state of mind, rediscovering hope and resilience.

Thriving is our natural state and it is possible for everyone to experience it. You have every reason to be hopeful: the change which happens from within occurs much more easily than you might think.

You do not have to change your job, circumstances or other people in order to find your way to a healthier, happier, more peaceful state of mind. 

Peace is available to you here and now. Let me help you find it...

“You helped me lift the burden of guilty feelings from my shoulders, lightening my load which has helped me find and appreciate my spirit.” JL

Ready to explore further?

Is it for me?

If you’d like to know who I work with and what the results can be, have a look here.

Working together

Find out more about me and my work and my flagship programme: ‘Start with You’.

Free resources

Take a look at my free downloadable booklets and my podcasts.

Let me introduce myself...

Hi, I’m Lizzie Paish! A professional transformation coach and trusted advisor to explorers in all walks of life, from health professionals to business leaders. I help my clients thrive through challenges and uncover new perspectives in a stress-free way. 

I offer one-on-one coaching, and individual and group retreats, both in-person and online, worldwide. I’m based in Derbyshire, UK, where I enjoy nature and playing tennis. 

My clients choose to work with me because I inspire them, genuinely care about them, and help them see and achieve their full potential.

Get in touch if you would like to change from within!

  • 07784 086432