Business Leaders

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Business Leaders

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So many people find themselves thrust into leadership roles feeling ill-prepared. Really stepping up as a powerful leader can run counter to much of our conditioning – to please people, defend ourselves, not to take risks and to avoid mistakes. This can lead to conflict and underperformance within teams. Being coached to get past habitual thinking and tap into your innate abilities will help you to thrive as a leader and develop creative solutions to the issues you face. 

Working together in this coaching relationship we will explore what is really possible for you.

I'm not interested in teaching you strategies and techniques, things to do in different situations that might help in the short-term. You probably know all that already. Neither will we be delving into the past – it’s not necessary or helpful.

We look at real situations you face during your week and explore where your current perspective and unrecognised thinking is tripping you up.

It is powerful to have someone outside your organisation with whom to share and discuss day to day issues. You can share what's really on your mind: things that you may not tell anyone else. 

Much of our thinking is invisible to us, masquerading as reality. Exploring it is foundational, but it is also surprisingly simple.

As I guide you to recognise your own thinking for what it is, and see its transient and arbitrary nature, you will also start to see your own innate resilience and wellbeing.  

As you do, your experience of life changes and solutions to problems start to show up in unexpected ways, or longstanding issues simply fade into the background.

The completely confidential space in which you can share whatever is on your mind, is also one where transformation happens.

Whatever your circumstances, whatever seems to be holding you back or weighing on your shoulders, the work we do together can shift things dramatically.

Booklet: Change Starts With You

Six Actions to Increase your Impact at Work (and Improve your Personal Life)

Public Sector Leader

When I look back at where I was when I started working with Lizzie a couple of years ago, I can't believe what a completely different place I am in. 

I am more content, at peace with myself and I am clear about what's important to me.  I understand myself more and my next steps in different areas of my life. My perspective has changed entirely. In addition, I've changed jobs twice with promotions including a £28K pay rise and I'm so much happier and confident in my work and set clear boundaries. I'm gentler and a much better listener, and my relationship with my son has improved, as I am able to understand him better.

I can honestly say I've never been happier: I feel as if the world is my oyster.  I have a new relationship which is perfect for me; I've written a list of 60 things I'm going to do before I'm 60 and I'm making my way through it with delight.  This was all kick-started by my work with Lizzie.